"In the Yuba-Sutter area, art education can sometimes be hard to come by. Opportunities exist, but are not accessible to the families that need them. Whether the reason be location, time, or cost, some children end up being left out. This organization exists to fix that problem. I want to offer affordable, out-of-school programs in the performing arts. I want to create educational opportunities for children who need them. And I want to make these opportunities accessible to every family in our community."
Julian Barkley-Brinson
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Our Sponsors
A successful organization cannot function without support and involvement from the community. We would like to thank the following supporters and sponsors.

California Arts Council
We'd like to give a very, very special thank you to the California Arts Council for their generous support of our programs through the IMPACT project grant! Thanks to the council, Rise Up is able to offer a dynamic, quality day-camp 100% free to all participants. We couldn't be more grateful, and look forward to partnerships with this incredible organization in the future. Thank you!!